Why Axonify?

Provide a simplified and effective employee experience that enables your workforce to drive business results

Fit into the flow of work

No more classroom sessions, lengthy modules on a desktop in the breakroom. Just targeted training that enables your workforce with the learning content they need, when they need it, so they can do the right thing.

Designed to match the way people learn

AI-powered brain science means the training fits the way our brain functions, so the learning content is consumed and reinforced in small bites over time. It’s learning that sticks.

Measure the impact of training

You can finally know- in real-time and at scale- how and where training is impacting your business beyond completion rates and test scores.

Off-the-charts engagement

Your learning solution will only get results if your employees use it. An unprecedented 83% of Axonify users log in to train 2-3 times a week.

Effective communication

Communicate consistently and quickly with your frontline employees in the moments that matter, no matter where they are.

Onboard faster and at scale

What if you could give every new hire the right amount of support to get them up to speed quickly? Onboard and train faster and more effectively to maximise workforce potential.

“Axonify gives confidence that our team, once trained through the platform, is continually reminded about safe work practices, and their knowledge grows through to application—rather than degrading to forgetting over time.”

Aston Moss

General Manager of Human Resources | Briscoes Group

Proven in the real world. Built for frontline employees


83% of Axonify users log in to train 2-3 times a week


20% lift in employees’ baseline knowledge for Axonify's content users


97% Customer satisfaction score for Axonify


3.5M Users train on the Axonify platform

Explore how Axonify helps workforces learn, connect and get things done.

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