Blended Learning Programmes

Captivate learners with innovative content

Whether it’s stepping into a virtual reality world, sharing ideas with colleagues in our online workshops, interacting with animations or having bite-size bursts of information at your fingertips, our multi-dimensional blended learning programmes are what modern learning is made of.

Make new ways of learning stick

Embed effective learning culture

Keep your team adaptable and agile

Blended learning approach

Transform the culture and impact of your organisation

Once we get to know your team’s story and what change you want to see, we will work alongside you to design a unique learning programme using:

Motion graphics

Captivate & engage learners with motion graphics and 2D/3D animations.

Immersive VR

Accelerate the impact on any learning programme with an immersive VR experience.

Online reinforcement

Increase knowledge retention & behaviour shift with a microlearning methodology.

Website design

Provide quick access to materials and resources to geographically dispersed teams with an effective website.

Ideation Workshop

Build engagement & ensure your programmes are contextualised to your participants with an ideation workshop.


Build skills & capability across your organisation with one-on-one coaching sessions.

Video storytelling

Build empathy and change mindsets & behaviours with video storytelling to deepen the impact the learning programme.

Team diagnostic

Provide personal insights and key development actions over the life of a learning programme.

Blended learning training

Grow the capability, agility and performance of your team

Create a customized, immersive and human-driven learning experience that prepare your team for the future.

“Leveraging our blended learning design expertise and curated technologies we will design a digital learning solution that is engaging, immersive, accessible, efficient, scalable”.

Drew McGuire

CEO, Capability Group

Let’s reimagine learning in your organisation!

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