
Transforming workforce training with Virtual Reality

Traditional training methods often fall short in engaging learners and retaining knowledge, but there's a better way. XR / VR technology and online immersive experiences have the potential to revolutionise the way corporate learning programmes are delivered.

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Transforming workforce training with Virtual Reality

In the fast-paced world of advancing technology, employee training and development have become critical factors in an organisation's success. Traditional training methods often fall short in engaging learners and retaining knowledge, but there's a better way. XR / VR technology and online immersive experiences have the potential to revolutionise the way corporate learning programmes are delivered.  

Talespin, a leading developer of enterprise XR solutions (and our newest partner), has compiled a comprehensive guide to highlight the benefits and best practices of VR training adoption. In this blog we dive into the key insights from the guide.

1. The power of Virtual Reality training

Ever wondered why learners forget so much of what they're taught? Traditional methods just aren't cutting it. But with VR training, we can change the game. By simulating real-world scenarios in a risk-free environment, employees can practice and refine their skills. The result? 275% increase in learner’s confidence to apply what they've learned on the job compared to traditional classroom methods! From soft skills training to onboarding, VR offers a dynamic and efficient learning experience that engages your employees like never before.

“In a world where learners forget 70% of what they are taught within 24 hours, and 90% within a month – there has to be a better way to engage workers and retain knowledge”

2. Measuring VR training effectiveness - the data-driven advantage

Numbers never lie, and in the era of data analytics, we've got you covered. VR training provides you with data that allows you to assess learner performance, identify improvement areas and fine-tune training content accordingly. Imagine making informed decisions about your learning initiatives with fresh and transparent data on employee skill development. Whether it's individual learner performance, historic module success, or team-level achievements, VR training empowers you to quantify the impact of your training like never before.

When deciding on the data to measure within your immersive learning programme, it's essential to consider your specific use case and objectives. These factors will guide you in identifying the metrics that matter most.

“Companies are already taking advantage of the ROI of learning in the Metaverse, deploying VR training for use cases like leadership development, employee onboarding and interpersonal skills training”

3. Navigating the adoption process

Every organisation is unique and so should be your approach to VR training adoption. By evaluating the workforce, geographical locations, and obtaining executive buy-in, you can gain valuable insights into the areas where a VR training programme would thrive most effectively within your company.

Through a structured process, we at Capability Group can guide you through the process of aligning VR training with your company's culture, requirements, and workforce dynamics.

4. Immersive use cases

The possibilities are endless when it comes to VR training. To strategically implement immersive learning to your organisation, it is essential to evaluate your specific workforce training requirements to identify areas where VR training can make the most significant impact. This process involves examining training gaps and identifying critical use cases within your workforce.

Here are some examples of common ways businesses are incorporating this technology today:

  • Onboarding new employees
  • Upskilling and reskilling managers
  • Delivering leadership and communications skills training to executives
  • Improving customer experience
  • Delivering diversity, equity, and inclusion training in VR
  • Improving sales training
  • Helping healthcare workers simulate the variety of situations they encounter
  • Creating scenarios where insurance professionals can practice customer interactions

Here, at Capability Group, we believe Virtual Reality training is more than just a trend; it's the future of workforce development. The cost-effectiveness, higher efficacy, and unmatched engagement make VR training a game-changer for businesses. For more information, check out our VR offering.

For the full details and in-depth insights, make sure to check out Talespin's 2023 VR Training Adoption Guide.

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