
New year, new chapter

A logo, a website and a bunch of fairly “corporate speak” language to define who we are and what we do… surely that’s all you need in a company like ours?

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New year, new chapter

A logo, a website and a bunch of fairly “corporate speak” language to define who we are and what we do … surely that’s all you need in a company like ours? Turns out, not so much. In talking with our clients and our team we realised there was a significant disconnect between who we say we are and who we actually are … and we were pretty light on explaining why we do what we do!

It takes a long time to identify the right words and phrases to capture the essence of who you are. We have been on that journey for a while now but we are finally there … at least in terms of who we are today and into the foreseeable future! Now that we have ‘found’ those few words and phrases that describe who we are it all seems so obvious … and isn’t this how we have been talking about why we do what we do all along? Again, turns out not so much!

So … here’s what’s important to us and the impact we want to have on the world!

Our purpose unites us … our purpose is to connect people and change lives through learning.

Human connection is critical to the wellbeing and adaptability of individuals, teams, organisations, families, communities and societies, ensuring they all thrive and flourish in a rapidly changing world.

We are creative.

We design, develop & deliver creative learning experiences and solutions that lift capability, shift mindsets and change behaviour at scale.

Whether it’s stepping into a virtual reality world, sharing ideas with colleagues in our online workshops, interacting with animations or having bite-size bursts of information at your fingertips, our multi-dimensional blended learning experiences are what modern learning is made of. We take a design thinking approach to the design of these solutions, involving participants in the design process, so the solutions are fully contextualised to your current state and future aspirations.

Among the crop of leadership programmes currently on offer, the Growing Pasifika Niu Leaders programme’s point of difference is that it uses poetry as it’s primary tool of empowerment. The creative benefits of poetry enable people to forestall judgement, think differently, come up with flexible and innovative solutions, and increase emotional intelligence. We also use poetry to bring Pacific ways of knowing, doing and being into urban workplaces as uniquely experienced by each participant. What Pasifika cultures offer are rich and varied ways of engaging in the workplace — currently a largely untapped resource in most places of employment.

We are human.

We are people connecting with people. Your story is our story.

Our solutions not only transform individuals, teams, and organisational performance, but they generate a ripple effect, causing the connections and capabilities developed by individuals on our programmes or using our solutions to flow through into their families and communities. The positive impacts of this ripple effect can be significant and inspiring.

The ripple effect is apparent in the APAC (Asia Pacific) region where our solutions empower more than 2 million people to connect, learn and make a difference. Each of these individuals have access to learning on their mobile devices via the Axonify platform. They take this learning home to their families and share videos and quizzes with their partners and children. If their employers have a social agenda (as is the case with our most significant client in the region), they are able to build the digital literacy of their employees as well as their families, creating new job opportunities and helping to lift significant populations across 8 South East Asia developing countries out of poverty.

We are visionary.

We are always seeking new, different and impactful ideas and technologies.

We constantly evolve a set of design principles distilled from everything we read, watch, experience or hear. Whether its neuroscience, behavioural psychology, tracking technology trends or exploring the work of creatives in completely different fields to our own we are constantly looking for new and better ways of doing things.

All of our learning and technology solutions are built on a strong evidence base, centered on the forever evolving learning design principles that we have distilled from our ongoing research.

We want your interaction with us to be transformative, collaborative, agile and adaptive.

And finally it is important to us that our team reflects the diversity of the people we serve. Hiring people with different backgrounds, strengths and points of view helps us make better decisions, design better solutions and create better experiences for everyone

Over the months ahead we’ll be sharing a lot more team, customer and participant stories to hopefully generate insights and actions related to connecting people and changing lives.

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