Diversity and Inclusion

Building inclusive organisations that thrive

Let us show you how our blended learning solutions help build self-awareness and a deeper understanding of other people and cultures.

Find out more

Diversity and learning

Greater diversity means greater creativity, innovation, collaboration and better performance.

When employees gain true insight and move beyond assumptions and stereotyping, workplace environments become more cohesive, collaborative, innovative, and ultimately more successful. Take advantage of the first diversity and inclusion programme across Asia Pacific region targeted at all employees. It aims to drive genuine mindset shift as well as behavioral and culture change at all levels across your organisation, allowing your employees to feel valued, respected, and confident.

Our approach

We do this by


Challenging and changing assumptions


Sharing stories and experiences


Creating new conversations


Reinforcing new knowledge and behaviour


Removing barriers to participation


Connecting and building a sense of belonging

Worker uses iPad

A blended learning solution based on

Research & neuroscience

Face-to-face workshops

Video based storytelling

2D / 3D animations

Microlearning & reinforcement



increase in sales revenue of companies with high rate of ethnic diversity


of companies believe diversity initiatives have had positive impact on company culture


of executives agree that a diverse workforce improves companies’ ability to capture and retain a diverse client base


increase in sales revenue of companies with high rate of ethnic diversity


of companies believe diversity initiatives have had positive impact on company culture

Colleagues engage in meeting

“A diverse organisation will out-think and out-perform a homogeneous organisation every single time.”

A.G Lafley, CEO, Procter & Gamble

Learning Modules


Growing diversity & inclusion

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Investigate the difference between diversity & inclusion and why they are important.  Explore the benefits and challenges of a diverse workforce and how inclusive practices can optimise the benefits of different world views, experiences, and ways of thinking


Recognising unconscious bias

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Investigate the science of unconscious bias and how it shows up in our everyday lives. We will also explore strategies to manage your unconscious bias and how you can hold each other accountable within your teams.


Building cultural intelligence

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Cultural intelligence is the ability to work effectively and relate well with people from different cultures in different cultural situations. This module allows you to explore your own cultural identity and those of others, and the things that people who relate well to people from different cultures do.


Becoming an inclusive leader

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To get the best out of your people as a leader, you need to build an inclusive culture across your team and remove barriers to participation. This module allows you to build an awareness of your own assumptions, biases, and preferences and to recognise how your own behaviours impact your team members’ behaviours. You will also identify strategies and tactics that you can then put into action with your team.


Having courageous conversations

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Create a structured approach to conversations and feedback which focuses on asking questions and can be applied when working in a multicultural environment. This will enable you to effectively present your views and give feedback constructively, minimising confrontations and/or misunderstandings because of cultural differences.

Talk to our team today if you want to bring the Diversity and Inclusion programme to your organisation!

Contact us